Monday, August 5, 2013


When I was younger I had so many dreams. I wanted to travel the world and see things. I like things. It broke my heart to think of dying without seeing Niagra Falls or loving an unloved orphan, or helping a hopeless widow in some far away distant land. I couldn't bear it. I wanted adventure and I wanted to do everything I could possibly do. Now, all I want is love. I want to truly love and truly be loved. When all is said and done, when I draw my last breath, I don't want to be known as someone that had such a full life of adventure and travels because that sounds too selfish to me. I want to be known as someone that loved even when it hurt to do it. I want to love in action and not just word. Wasn't that what was so beautiful and intoxicating about Jesus? His love was real. Very rarely do I remember reading that Jesus TOLD people he loved them. He SHOWED them that His love was real. It wasn't convenient for him to be tortured and die a very gruesome death. It was not something so simple as following directions to give away His life for those that hated him.  I think if the heart's cry of every soul were to be heard it would say "Love me. Want me." The lack of love is what drives people to do the things they do. It's the reason we turn to drugs, alcohol, ANYTHING that will just numb that aching desire for a moment's time. Love is the soul's oxygen, its heartbeat, its life giving force.

If I can relieve that ache in someone, if I can give life through my love I will have lived a full and purposeful life. That is my dream. To give life with my love. With the love I receive from Jesus


  1. You have loved me well, my friend. Thank you.

  2. Jordan! You have loved ME well. Thank you for breathing a breath of fresh life into my soul. I tell everyone that you're the kind of girl I always wanted to be. I'm going to miss you so freaking much!!
