Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I AM TERRIFIED OF BEING STUCK. For that very reason I have fought any kind of routine or steady, set schedule, responsibility. I will do it if I have to, don't get me wrong, but I despise it. My gypsy heart and I have a hard time accepting the fact that humans need routine. Without it nothing would ever get done. I also think that I'm quite a selfish human being and like to do the things that make me feel good. And doing what I'm "supposed" brings out my rebellious nature. If I didn't know I was "supposed" to do it then I would do it with a big 'ol smile plastered on my face. But NOW, I have formed a very passionate and firey love affair with country music and have encountered a number of people that have illustrated so beautifully what it looks like to find the absolute beauty in a simple life. That's right. White picked fence, 2 1/2 children. That's what I'm talking about. Having a steady job, a home filled with laughter and love, happy healthy children, loving the person you're married to until the end of this earthly life, rejoicing in failures because it means you're not too proud to admit you're wrong (a feat worth rejoicing in alone), being honest and hard working, loving Jesus like you have nothing to prove. THAT'S who I want to be. Not a super hero. I don't want to save the world. I want to be and stop striving to be something else. That's the song of my heart.